Finally got around to setting up my blog. Looking forward to some fun blogging! Webpage made using this tutorial. Took me just five minutes to set it up. I have no idea how Jekyll or CSS work, yet here we are. The bane of over simplified tutorials I guess. But it’s going to take quite some time turning it into anything meaningful. The Markdown cheat sheet provided is indeed quite handy. EDIT: I switched to a new template beautiful-jekyll!

Wait, but Why?

Blogging was something I’ve had at the back of my mind for quite a while. Documenting progress, observations, opinions and even milestones maybe. I felt it would be an important tool for retrospecting every once in a while. Why put it up on the internet you ask? Well for starters, I probably have more web-crawler readership than human at the moment. And I’m quite certain it will stay that way for a while (forever?). The point being, it doesn’t really matter, so why not? But if and when it does, it serves my purpose for the blog, to share! Which brings me to my raison d’être. I believe the process of learning is unique to everyone. I always find some new perspective, thought, idea in someone else’s experience even if the content is something I am familiar with. And to that measure, I intend to focus my posts more on the process than the content.

Instant Gratification Monkey

However, it still begs the question, why now? After certifying myself as a procrastinator according to this TED speaker, Tim Urban, and reading his post on how to remedy it. Maintaining a blog seemed to be the best way forward; the benefits being two fold. First, it provides pseudo deadlines. Too long without a blog post should arouse the Panic Monster. Second, it provides direction. I find myself in the rut of coursework more often than I’d like. The pursuit of something blog-worthy ought to be the best motivation.

Now that I have my guidelines established, it’s time to get to work.